
Welcome to the ACAA/Brattle Group website for the ACAA’s web-based coal combustion products (CCP) Survey.  Each year since 1968, the American Coal Ash Association surveys utility companies with coal-fired power plants to determine the volume of coal combustion products produced and beneficially used.  It is now time to collect data for 2022.  This survey is routinely cited by numerous governmental, academic, and private entities and the data are used for assessing trends in CCP production and beneficial use over time.  It is the only survey of its kind and is extremely valuable in assisting state and federal government in making environmental policy, as well as demonstrating progress in ACAA’s mission to encourage the beneficial use of CCPs.

Please access the “Download Survey Material” tab on this website to begin filling out your Survey. Please use the user name and password which you received in the email asking for your participation in the Survey.  Additionally, please adhere to the following guidelines when completing the survey:

  • If you are reporting disaggregated data for multiple Operating Companies or electric generation units, please do not submit a single survey including multiple tabs for each company / unit. Instead, please submit one survey per Operating Company or electric generation unit. When submitting multiple surveys (either for multiple Operating Companies or electric generation units), please name and number each submission using the following filename convention: LastName.FirstName_CompanyName_01.xlsx, LastName.FirstName_CompanyName_02.xlsx, LastName.FirstName_CompanyName_03.xlsx, etc.
  • When entering numeric values in Sections B, C, and D, please enter integers only – avoid including decimals, and do not enter formulas.
  • Since the 2020 edition, there has been an addition to the survey (section F) to collect information on how harvested CCPs are assigned to each category for beneficial use.

Once the data have been entered into the spreadsheet and it is complete, please submit (or “upload”) the survey by accessing the “Submit My Survey” tab on this website.

Confidentiality The team at Brattle will handle all submittals on a confidential basis.  This means the data you report will not be available except in aggregated form to anyone – including ACAA – other than Brattle’s project team.  Brattle will maintain sole custody of the data and aggregate the data for the final report.  In addition, Brattle’s contract prohibits use of the survey data for anything other than producing the report.

If you have any questions, please navigate to the “Contact Us” page (linked above), where you can submit an email with your query as well as find the phone number for our support line. If we are unable to answer the phone, please leave a voicemail and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Lastly, in order to facilitate the tasks of data compilation and quality assurance review, survey responses are needed as soon as possible. Our target date for receiving all completed surveys is April 28, 2023. Thank you for participating in this year’s survey.